
First Visit?

We Are Here To Help

So you've found the website.... You are excited at the idea... but.. walking in somewhere like that... alone.... the first time.... it's a big step - no it's a HUGE step.

We know how you feel, everyone has a first time and the nerves can get you... from just shyness to a feeling that something awful will happen... And do you have something to match the dress code!

Don't worry... we really want to help you...

The most important thing to remember is NOTHING WILL HAPPEN WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT! It is our golden rule and people who violate that will be spoken to and may be required to leave.

Remember, you will be coming into an environment where bondage and fetish wear is the norm, not something odd to hide from, where you can socialise and met guys the same as you - and if you get the confidence you can play safely too. The dress code is really wide - and if you drop us an email we will let you know if what you propose is okay.

Clubs are naturally a safer environment as there are other people there to look out for you, something you don't get if your first meet is with a guy in a private house! It also avoids that awkward chat in a coffee bar, worrying about other people listening in.

We are finding that more and more guys turn up early in the first hour to socialise, unwind and have a drink, then they move over to the main area to play, so it is harder to find someone to play with if you arrive later.

Problem or Question? Drop us an email (see 'contact us' above) and let us know. We will try to sort out any problems we can for you - we can arrange for someone to meet you outside and we are happy to answer ANY questions - we think the only silly question is the one you are too scared to ask! Fire away - we won't think you silly!!

If you arrive at the venue alone you will come to the pay desk. Let the person at the desk know it is your first time and we will help you and give you a few pointers.

We will try to give you the chance to play - don't be put off and don't feel under any pressure to play then and there, but we don't want you to feel left out either. Equally we cannot guarantee that you will definitely get to play - its down to two people connecting

If you have any problem or concerns while there please ask our staff or ask at the cloakroom.

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© 2009-2024, All Rights Reserved
The information in this website is as accurate as we can make it but we reserve the right to amend or delete without giving notice.
You are advised to check any details that are important to you before travelling to the event.

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