

Male Bondage Club with possibly the Largest Mobile Dungeon

Welcome back to FetishBound, but like never before.. We take over the entire venue to give you more space to socialise, play and... well it is also home to one of the largest dedicated darkrooms in London!! It even has a heated enclosed smoking area (no changing to go have a smoke anymore).

Now we can cater for everyone, including our signature play space, but bigger.

There is a Dress Code but its not all leather and rubber - there is so much more on the list that you will be able to easily meet it, like full team sports kit, uniforms and so much more. It's not all about rope either - chains, restraints, sleepsacks, straitjackets and much more.

The aim is to create a friendly no attitude event to meet play and socialise in, for all levels from the new to the experienced, for anyone identifying as male.

If you want to play you just need to ask, but equally you can just watch what others are doing with no pressure.

We do play music, but it is a background - after all if you are tied up you want the top to be able to hear you through the gag when you have a problem! Equally lighting is kept to a level where you can see what you are doing! There is the playpit darkroom for anything else..

Why meet in a pub or a coffee shop when you can meet here in a friendly and open setting!

Get your gear ready (check the dress code)..... Get your ropes and restraints ready....

Want to email us? Follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook? Click on "CONTACT US" above.

New to the scene? Click here for more information.

How It Works:
We are finding more and more that guys come early, socialise and unwind with a drink. Around the end of the first hour or so a lot of guys have decided who they are going to play with and what's going to happen. Unfortunately it means that if you can't get there early it can be hard to find a play partner, but not impossible.

FetishBound is independently run
FetishBound has no connection to any other event or website (other than the family site).

IMPORTANT NOTE - You are strongly advised to read the House Rules and Dress Code to avoid any disappointment. It is a condition of entry that you accept the House Rules and comply with the Dress Code. Each month we turn away several people, some who have travelled some distance to be with us.

The Next Event will be
30 November 2024
6pm til 1.00am
Last Admission 11:30pm

Admission TBC, Early Bird Tickets released soon
Cloakroom Included (one bag, one coat. £1 an item thereafter)

At The Lord Clyde,
9 Wotton Road,
London SE8 5TQ

Follow Us!

Click Here for full T&C's
© 2009-2024, All Rights Reserved
The information in this website is as accurate as we can make it but we reserve the right to amend or delete without giving notice.
You are advised to check any details that are important to you before travelling to the event.

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